"Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) "

Manufacturer and Country: UAV Research Lab, Inc. (UAVRL), U.S.A., with Avionics integrated package by Georgia Tech and open software architecture.
Engine Type:? 2 Cycle, Air Cooled, Twin Horizontal Opposed Piston Engine. Displacement: 200CC.
Engine Output:? 19Hp.
Wing Span: 16 ft. (4.88m.)
Length: 11 ft. (3.35m.)
Height: 3.5 ft. (1.07m.)
Empty Weight: 96 lb.( 43.5 Kg.)
Gross Weight: *156 lb. (70.8 Kg.)
Payload Weight: *60 lb. (27.2 Kg.)
* Payload weight and Gross weight are from the initial flight test result.? More accurate information will be available after further flight test program
Speed: Approx. 115 mph (Approx.).
Endurance: 3.5 hr. with standard internal Fuel Tank (3 Gal.)
Service Ceiling: *12,000ft. (Estimated)