Single Axis Positioners


25µm travel (longer range available)
Sub-nanometer resolution
Closed-loop capacitive feedback
>3kHz resonant frequency
Footprint: 62mm x 40mm x 14mm
Materials Availability: (part number)

Applications Examples:

MR Head and Disk Drive Testing
Optical Fiber Alignment
Nanometer-scale Manipulation


Z70ATravel (µm): X=Ø, Y=Ø, Z=70
Aperture: None
The N-Z70A nanopositioner is a closed-loop z-stage with a scanning range of 70µm and sub-nanometer resolution. It is made out of Super Invar to minimize thermal expansion effects. The flexure guided mechanism eliminates parasitic, off-axis motion. The large travel makes it a versatile stage for a variety of applications.

Application Examples:

Optical Fiber Alignment
Nanometer-scale Manipulation
